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HomePilot and bridge offer alternatives for sale and use

Rademacher relies on cloud and local data storage

Rademacher’s motto is simple: A lot of technology does not make a smart home, and only the needs-based interaction of the various devices in desired scenarios will inspire users. “Our claim is relatively simple to formulate. We want the digital journey which the customer embarks on when exploring smart home solutions to end at Rademacher and with a decision in favour of our Smart Home system. No matter whether he or she is still in the information phase or has already had contact with other smart home products. It is important to integrate our professional partners into these processes in order to be successful together,” explains Managing Director Ralf Kern.

With the HomePilot, the company, which is based in Rhede on the Lower Rhine, has been successful in the smart home sector for many years and has recently introduced the third generation of the HomePilot and the Rademacher Bridge. The Bridge is the easiest way for manufacturers and end customers to control or automate their privacy/sun protection via app & voice (Amazon/Google). This offers convenient on-site privacy/sun protection, building automation without committing to a smart home system and integration into the IoT (Internet of Things).

The development of the Bridge is a result of our market research, says Kern. In the age of Dropbox and other online storage options, cloud solutions are generally accepted and simplify many things when it comes to minimising the effort required for installation and, for example, the issue of updates. Ultimately, the customer always has the choice with HomePilot (local) and the Bridge (cloud). For Rademacher, with an entry price of less than 100 euros, this also means access to new markets, e.g. the tenant market. For the specialist trade, it is a lead-in to the customer. Later changeover to the HomePilot is possible at any time due to the DuoFern modules used. The Bridge was nominated for the Innovation Award in the category Building Automation.